Monday, January 26, 2009

Notes 20

1-Technology is a difficult concept to understand.
2-The amount of visible light is small compared to the amount of other waves of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
3-There are alot of different ways to measure frequency.
4-Wireless technology allows us to do a lot of things.
5-Wireless devices that connect to others through a wide range are part of a network.

1-How many different portions of the spectrum are there?
2-When was the electormagnetic spectrum discovered?
3-When was AM and FM discovered?

1-Frequency- the number of times per second that wave cycles occur.
2-Wavelength- the length of an electormagnetic wave; in other words, the length between the wave's peaks.
3-Amplifier- a device that stregnthens a signal by increasing its amplitude

1-This chapter talks about The electromagnetic spectrum, wireless systems and AM and FM.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Notes 19

1-Technology has advanced a lot.
2-There are many different types of ways to transmit information.
3-Wireless is more reliable than landlines.
4-The discovery of wireless changed the world.
-4 questions
1-How did Marconi transmit info over radio waves?
2-When was Morse code discovered?
3-What does a modulator do?
4-How many different kinds of energy waves are there?
-3 words
1-Modulator-A device that modifies carrier waves to transmit information.
2-Landlines-A phone line that uses wires.
3-Electromagnetic Spectrum- The entire range wavelengths and frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light, the radio frequency, X- rays, in frared, and so on.
-1 summary
1-This chapter talked about when the beginnings of wireless were discovered and Marconi sending info threw morse code.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Roar Term 3

This term we have to read science and technology books for ROAR. My book is called How Wireless Works. Its a book by Preston Gralla about our modern technology of wireless communication. My interest in technology is the reason I picked this book. I've always wondered how things like TV's, cell phones, and the internet worked and this book will explain it to me. I like this book so far and have learned a little about wireless technology and when and who sent the first wireless message. Thats it for now.
