Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Notes 16

-In 1901, a group of 12 black men formed the Eureka Aid and Athletic club in Savannah.
-In 1903, New Orleans' 4 black colleges formed an athletic group.
-In 1904 in New York, John Morgan founded the Alpha Physical Culture club in a church.
-In 1905 in Indianapolis, a group organized an athletic team of all sports.
-Across the country, black athletic clubs were opening.
-Why were so many black men forming clubs back to back?
-Why did Henderson attend Harvard?
-What made Washington's black middle class so successful?
-What was stopping other states to reach the same standards in black education as Washington?
-Auspices-patronage; support; sponsorship
-ISAA-Interscholastic Athletic Association
-Beget-to cause; produce as an effect
-Black physical activity was on the rise in the early 1900's.

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