Thursday, April 23, 2009

Notes 24

-No one will ever guess how Roscoe died.
-The hit man's scheme was very well planned.
-Roscoe wasn't careful enough on the day of his death.
-It took awhile for them to find Roscoe's body.
-I think his son wanted him dead.
-Why does the hit man's boss want Roscoe dead?
-What is the hit man's plan?
-Who is the hit man's boss?
-Who is the hit man?
-Multimillionaire-a person who possesses a fortune that amounts to many millions of dollars, francs, etc.
-Maintenance-care or upkeep, as of machinery or property
-Military Intelligence- An agency of the armed forces that procures, analyzes, and uses information of tactical and strategic military value
-Imagery- "... Green was at the bottom of the Hudson River with a knife in his back and a twenty-pound block of concrete attached to his foot."
-Hyperbole- "...he could see a seemingly endless square tunnel..."
-In this part of the book, Micheal Roscoe was killed in an elevator "accident" created by a mystery hit man.

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